7 Cellars by John Elway - Recipe by Chef Goose Sorensen

Recipe by Chef Goose SorensenLamb Shoulder Chops with Black Eyed Peas Broccoli Rabé and Balsamic VinegarIngredients

In a sauce pot add little olive oil and the Andouille sausage and render. Add the onions and garlic and sauté with the cumin and chili powder stirring with a wooden spoon. Then add the chicken stock and season with a pinch of salt. Bring to a simmer and add the Black Eyed Peas, Bay leaves and bring back up to a simmer. Cook on low for approximately 45 minutes to an hour and check the peas for doneness. They should have a slight bite to them but not mushy. The mix should also start to thicken if you need to take some stock out or add some more then do so.
Take the bay leaves out and then you want to take half of the mixture out and pulse a few times in a blender and the add back into the mix, this will help to thicken the mix up! Place back on the stove and simmer again. Add the butter and a few shakes of the Wild Greens Green Jalapeño Sauce. Keep tasting for salt and pepper and fell free to add more cumin and chili powder. In the end you want his to be like the consistency of refried beans. While you’re doing this you will need to blanch the Broccoli Rabé. In a pot bring heavily salted water to a boil and cook the BR for 1 minute in the boiling water and then place in a bowl with ice water, then drain well and pat dry with a towel. Salt and pepper the lamb. You can grill the lamb or pan sear the meat. You want medium to high heat and a good sear to crisp up the meat. They don’t take long to cook and I like a medium rare! Also, don’t forget to open a bottle of 7 cellars Cabernet to enjoy while your cooking this dish! To plate sauté the BR in a pan with some olive oil, garlic salt and pepper. Place a good amount of the beans in the middle of the plate and the BR on top of the beans. The lamb goes on top and drizzle a little Balsamic vinegar around the outside of the plate and some olive oil on top of the lamb. Recommended Pairing: Elway's Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon The Farm Collection Cabernet Sauvignon


  • 4 Lamb Shoulder chops or Lamb T-bones
  • 1 rope of Andouille sausage pork or turkey diced
  • 1 yellow onion chopped
  • 4 toes of garlic chopped
  • 16 oz Black Eyed Peas Soaked for 24 hours drained and rinsed thoroughly
  • Approximately 1 tbsp cumin
  • Approximately 1 tbsp chill powder
  • 2 Bay leaves
  • 1 oz butter
  • Wild Greens Green Jalapeño Sauce
  • 64 oz or 2 boxes of chicken stock
  • 2 bunches or Broccoli Rabé


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